Results Of 2017 Most Hated Companies Lists Created by srpatterson on 2/13/2017 2:16:32 PM 
The 2017 List of Most Hated Companies in the U.S.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of hate out there, and the top 11 of the most hated companies in America this year are the recipients of a whopping 23 percent of global hatred felt toward corporations. It isn't possible to post something about one of these companies on an online forum without a barrage of hate-filled replies calling you evil and saying you are part of their over-priced, lousy service, kitten-hating corporations.
Customer service is probably one of the biggest players in a customer's perception of a company and whether they grow to hate that company. Nothing can make a customer more hateful than being put on hold for twenty minutes listening to music they also hate. This leads to why cable companies are so well represented in the top most hated companies in America in 2017. These are the companies almost everyone has to call up sometime.
1. Comcast Corp.
2. Monsanto
3. VW AG
4. Bank of America
5. BP
6. Royal Dutch Shell
7. Halliburton Corp.
8. Mylan NV
9. Dish Network
10. McDonald's Corp.
11. Sears Holding Corporation.
Even people's revulsion toward GMOs and giant oil spills is not as great as the hate they feel for wretched customer service when they have to call Comcast. That has landed this company at the top of the list for 2017. Comcast also ranked at the top on the list done by 24/7 Wall St. and came in 4th on the list compiled by Harris Poll. The silver lining for Comcast is that cable companies are immune to bad reputations because of their virtual monopoly holdings on the market. Even their rivals get a bad rap, including Time Warner Cable, although they did not get to the top 11.

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