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All Posts Author: Patrick Stevens

Broadcom: From Silicon Valley Dreams to Wall Street Triumphs

Once upon a time in the heart of Silicon Valley, there existed a company that wove intricate circuits and digital dreams. Its name? Broadcom Inc. (AVGO).


The Rise of AVGO: A Tale of Chips and Ambition

At Broadcom HQ, things were buzzing. Engineers were everywhere, all crowded around blueprints, their eyes practically glowing with ideas. They were basically building the tiny brains that run our phones, connect our houses to the internet, and even talk to those space things zooming way up in the sky. These tiny silicon marvels held the promise of a connected future—a world where data flowed seamlessly, like electrons dancing through copper wires.

But Broadcom wasn't just about circuits; it was about ambition. Its founder, Henry Samueli, had a vision: to build bridges between people, devices, and distant galaxies. Okay, maybe not galaxies, but you get the idea. Samueli believed in the magic of connectivity—the way a Wi-Fi signal could unite a coffee shop in Ohio with a teahouse in Tokyo.

The Stock Market Tango: AVGO's Dance with Investors

Fast-forward to Wall Street. AVGO's stock price swirled like a tango—sometimes graceful, sometimes wild. Investors watched, hearts racing, as the numbers pirouetted across screens. The Nasdaq cheered, and the S&P 500 nodded in approval. AVGO had become a star performer, dazzling the financial world.

Institutional investors, those mysterious titans of finance, whispered secrets in boardrooms. They held AVGO close, like a prized possession. Mutual funds, pension funds—they all wanted a piece of the action. And why not? Broadcom's earnings per share (EPS) danced to a tune of $23.20, a melody that resonated across trading floors.

Insiders' Whispers and Retail Rebels

But wait, there's more! Insiders—those elusive company executives—had their own moves. They bought and sold shares, their transactions etched in SEC filings. A CEO's purchase signaled confidence; a CFO's sale raised eyebrows. It was a stock market soap opera, complete with plot twists and cliffhangers.

And then there were the retail rebels—the everyday investors. They chatted on Reddit, tweeted stock tips, and rode the AVGO rollercoaster. Some held diamond hands, refusing to let go even when the market dipped. Others panicked, their paper gains slipping through trembling fingers. Currently, famed inside trader Nancy Pelosi has purchased twenty call options with a strike price of $800 that expire in a year.

Short Squeezes and Moonshots

Short interest loomed like a shadow. Bears bet against AVGO, hoping for a stumble. But sometimes, the market flipped the script. A short squeeze—a sudden surge in price—sent shorts scrambling. It was David versus Goliath, with pixels and algorithms replacing slingshots.

As for the moonshots? Well, AVGO didn't literally shoot to the moon, but it reached new heights. $1,851.62 per share—a record! The stock soared, leaving contrails of financial stardust.

Market NewsTechnology

Investing in Dell Stock: A Journey into AI Territory

All right, so tech stocks are like, super hot right now, and Dell (ticker symbol DELL) is totally in the spotlight. Everyone's excited about AI, and that's driving Dell's stock price way up. But should you buy it? Let's figure it out!


The AI Hype

Dell's stock has been on a wild ride, up a whopping 213% in the past year! This is all thanks to the buzz around their new AI servers. These super-powered machines use fancy Nvidia chips and are supposed to change how data centers work, which would be great for Dell's business. But is it all just talk, or is there something real here?

The Reality Check

Morningstar equity analyst William Kerwin provides a reality check. While AI servers are indeed a growth driver, they constitute less than 2% of Dell's sales. These GPU-enabled servers cater to businesses hosting smaller AI-based tools within their data centers—not the heavy hitters like OpenAI. Moreover, the high cost of GPU chips eats into Dell's margins.

The Bottom Line

One analyst, Kerwin, thinks Dell's stock is only worth around $55, which is way less than its price right now. So, even though everyone's excited about AI, they might be getting a little carried away about how much money it'll make Dell. Keep an eye on Dell, but maybe hold off on buying for now.

Personal Take

As an investor, I've learned that hype can be intoxicating. But it's essential to separate the noise from the substance. Dell's AI journey is intriguing, but let's not forget the fundamentals. Perhaps it's time to balance excitement with a dose of skepticism.

Market News

Tax Plans in the 2024 Election: A Closer Look

As the dust settles after the 2024 election, tax policy emerges as a hot topic. Both major political parties—Democrats and Republicans—laid out their visions for the future. Let’s break down their ideas and explore how they can impact everyday Americans.


The Democrats' Blueprint

1. Corporate Taxes

President Biden wants to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% next year. This would mean businesses gotta pay more in taxes. The idea is to get more money for the government and help even things out for everyone. Some folks say this will hurt businesses, but others think it's needed to pay for stuff like social programs.

2. Capital Gains and Dividends

Biden's plan targets capital gains and dividends. Taxpayers with income in excess of $1 million will be taxed at regular income on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends. In addition, he would face taxes on the $5 million withdrawal of unrealized capital gains upon death. The goal? Making sure the richest contribute their fair share.

3. Tax Credits and Deductions

The Child Tax Credit would become fully refundable on a permanent basis, providing much-needed relief for families. Young children would receive an increased credit of $3,600, while older children would get $3,000. These changes, though temporary, aim to alleviate financial strain.

The Republicans' Counterproposal

1. Tariffs and Exemptions

Former President Trump's camp has floated the idea of replacing income taxes with tariffs. While this might simplify the tax system, it raises concerns about international trade relations. Trump also proposes exempting tips from income taxes—a move that could benefit service industry workers.

2. Steel, Aluminum, and Green Energy

On the trade front, Trump suggests maintaining current Section 301 tariffs while raising tariffs on an additional $18 billion worth of steel, aluminum, and green energy and medical goods. The goal is to protect domestic industries and jobs.

A Personal Perspective

As a small business owner, I've grappled with the impact of tax policies. While higher corporate taxes might strain my bottom line, I appreciate the focus on fairness and social welfare. On the other hand, tariff-based systems could disrupt global supply chains, affecting my business's operations.

Market NewsTechnology

GameStop Goes Bananas Again: Thanks to Roaring Kitty!

Social Media Post Sparks Another Rally

It’s not every day in the world of stocks that a single social media post can send Wall Street into a tizzy. But to be Roaring Kitty, the rules of the game seem to bend a bit. Today, the markets witnessed a spectacle as GameStop's shares took a joyride on the roller-coaster of meme stock mania, all thanks to a cryptic yet potent post by the one and only Roaring Kitty.


More Than Just a Meme

Let's set the scene: It's a regular trading day, and the buzz around GameStop had been, well, more of a murmur lately. Enter Roaring Kitty, the trader who became a legend in the meme stock saga, with a Reddit post that was anything but ordinary. The post? A screenshot that sent the message boards ablaze with speculation. The result? GameStop shares closed nearly 75% higher the next day.

The Power of Social Media

But wait, there's more. This isn't just a tale of stocks and screenshots. It's about the power of influence and the underdog story that keeps on giving. Known in the real world as Keith Gill, the roaring cat has become something of a folk hero in the business community. His apparent opinion of the video game retailer, highlighted in the letter, was enough to trigger wild pre-sale trading.

Roaring Kitty: The King of Meme Stocks

And the numbers? They're as eye-popping as the rally itself. We're talking about a position that's purportedly worth a cool $175 million³. That's not just chump change; that's a war chest that could make even the most stoic of hedge fund managers do a double-take.

So, what is the moral of the story? In the age of social media and retail trading, stock market dynamics can change in the blink of an eye—or at the click of a "post" button. Roaring Kitty’s latest move is a reminder that in stocks, sometimes a wild card isn’t just part of the deck; his hands are dealing the cards.

Market NewsTechnology

Microsoft Unveils New Line of AI-Focused Copilot+ PCs

Buckle up, tech fans! Microsoft just unveiled a brand new kind of Windows PC at their fancy new digs, and it's all about AI. They're calling them Copilot+ PCs, and let me tell you, these machines are seriously brainy.


Here's the lowdown:

Super Speed: Copilot+ PCs blow the doors off other laptops. Ditch the charger anxiety! Copilot+ PCs boast mind-bending speed (over 40 trillion operations per second!), leaving even the latest MacBook Air in the dust. And the best part? You still get all-day battery life.

AI Smarts: These PCs aren't just speedy; they're brainiacs. Imagine a computer that remembers everything you've ever seen on it, helps you find anything instantly, and even creates cool AI images for you. That's the magic of Copilot+. Plus, it translates conversations in real-time, so language barriers become a thing of the past.

Style Meets Smarts: Copilot+ PCs come in a variety of styles, with options from Microsoft's Surface line and leading brands like Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung. Pre-orders are available now with prices starting at $999, and general availability begins June 18th.

Market News

Roaring Kitty: The Catalyst Behind GameStop's Soaring Stock Price

The Beginning

This regular dude with a day job saw something special in GameStop way back in 2019. He thought the stock was way undervalued, so he started buying options like crazy. Basically, he bet the stock would go up, big time. And guess what? He was right!


The Reddit Forum and YouTube Fame

Keith didn't keep his insights to himself. As Roaring Kitty, he shared regular updates on WallStreetBets, a Reddit forum. His YouTube channel echoed his enthusiasm, touting GameStop as a solid investment. Then, in August 2020, something crazy happened. A big-shot investor named Ryan Cohen bought a ton of GameStop stock, and the price went nuts! Keith's original $53,000 investment ballooned to a cool $1 million.

The Short Squeeze Phenomenon

A thing called a "short squeeze" happened, and GameStop's price went NUTS, skyrocketing to almost $500 a share! Keith's investment became a whopping $48 million. He admitted, "I thought this trade would be successful, but I never expected what happened over the past week."

Market Volatility and Unwavering Belief

The party didn't last forever, though. The stock price dropped a bunch in February, but Keith stayed true to GameStop. He actually bought even more shares, bringing his total to over 100,000! He also had a bunch of options contracts and extra cash on the side. This guy wasn't messing around.

April 2021: The Millionaire's Journey

Keith exercised 500 call options contracts, gaining 50,000 more shares at $12 each. Then he bought another 50,000 shares, pushing his total holdings to over $30 million. As of April 16, 2021, Keith's Reddit post hinted at nearly $20 million in gains, with GameStop's share price at $154.69.

Market NewsMortgages and Banking

Inflation Nation: Are We Back for More?

Remember that whole "everything's getting more expensive" thing? Inflation? Yeah, it might be making a comeback. So, how do we deal with that as investors? That's where the "inflation trade" comes in.

Think of it like this: imagine your money is a bag of chips. Inflation is like someone slowly sneaking fries into that bag. You still have the same bag, but it's not worth as much.


The Inflation Trade

The inflation trade is about fighting back. It's about swapping your chips for things that tend to hold their value, or even go up, when prices rise. Here's the lowdown:

Swapping Your Portfolio: Investors ditch stuff that inflation eats away at (like cash) and grab things that tend to do well when prices climb. This could be stuff like gold, real estate, or even certain stocks.
Commodities as Bodyguards: Imagine gold as your financial bodyguard. When inflation goes up, gold prices often follow. So, it can help protect your money's worth.
Currency Dodgeball: Some folks use fancy financial tools to avoid getting whacked by inflation that weakens their currency. Basically, they bet on how currencies will trade against each other.
Interest Rates: The Party Crashers: Inflation can make central banks raise interest rates. This can be bad news for some investments, like bonds, but it's not all doom and gloom.

The stock market can actually handle some inflation okay. Companies might even make more money if they can raise their prices without scaring away customers. But, not all stocks are created equal. Some industries, like energy or materials, might even benefit from rising prices.

Here's the catch: if inflation gets too crazy, central banks might slam on the brakes with those interest rate hikes. This can hurt the stock market in general.

Market NewsTechnology

Eli Lilly & Co. Report Q1 2024 Strong Earnings

Indianapolis, IN – April 30, 2024, Eli Lilly just released its Q1 earnings report, and things are looking good! Summary of the main points:

Profits on the Rise: They made more money per share than analysts expected (that's good!). This was true for both their regular earnings and a special adjusted version that accounts for some extra costs.
Revenue Up Big Time: Overall sales jumped 26% compared to last year. A big reason for this is their new weight-loss drug Mounjaro, which is apparently super popular. Other meds like Zepbound, Verzenio, and Jardiance also did well.
The outlook is bright: Eli Lilly is feeling confident and has raised its forecast for how much revenue it will earn for the remainder of the year.


What's Driving the Growth?

Eli Lilly's strong performance can be attributed to several factors:

New meds in the works: They've got a bunch of promising new drugs on the way that look really effective for different diseases. This means more money coming in down the line!
Going global: Eli Lilly sells more drugs in other countries, helping them make more money.
Smart shopping: Other migraine brands are being acquired, resulting in an even larger selection of products for sale.

Challenges Ahead

Despite the positive results, Eli Lilly faces challenges:

Drug Battle Royale: The pharmaceutical industry is super competitive, so Eli Lilly has to fight hard for market share.
The Rules of the Game: Changes in government regulations and how much drugs cost could hurt their profits down the line.

In Conclusion

Eli Lilly's earnings report this quarter was basically a gold medal performance for investors. The company is feeling good about the future, and for good reason! Here's the scoop:

Stock Party: Investors were so hyped they drove the stock price up almost 8% before the market even opened!
Sales on Fire: Revenue jumped a whopping 26% thanks to their new weight-loss drug, Mounjaro, which is apparently a mega-hit. Other drugs like Zepbound, Verzenio, and Jardiance did great too.

Market NewsTechnology

Amazon: Where Dreams Are Delivered (and So Are Packages)

The Prime Numbers

Amazon Prime is booming, with like 180 million people in the US having a membership. That's a ton of folks who love getting their stuff fast and free. Think of it like a club, but instead of weird handshakes, you get super speedy deliveries and access to tons of cool shows and movies. All for a yearly fee (or a monthly splurge, if that's your jam).

For a price (think monthly splurge or annual fee, depending on your style), you get free shipping, exclusive deals, and access to Prime Video. It's pretty sweet, especially if you're constantly ordering things online (no judgment, we've all been there with the cat socks and fancy pickles).

Amazon Prime

The Stock Market Tango

Amazon's been doing great lately, kind of like it's dancing on top of the charts. The pandemic definitely helped, with everyone shopping online like crazy. But here's the kicker: Prime memberships actually slowed down a bit during that time. Some folks thought Amazon might have hit a wall, like a climber stuck on a tough ledge. But here's the twist: Prime membership growth flattened out during the pandemic. Some folks thought Amazon had hit a plateau, like a climber stuck on a tricky ledge.

But guess what? The recent data shows that 75% of US shoppers still have Prime memberships. That's a clear sign that Amazon is still gaining new subscribers. These folks believe their Amazon addiction justifies the investment in Prime. It's like saying, "Yeah, I order cat socks and artisanal pickles every week, but at least I get free shipping!"¹

Investing in the Amazon Jungle

Here's the lowdown: They're not just an online store anymore. They're a tech giant with their hands in everything, from cloud computing to streaming to even getting groceries delivered. Pretty wild, right? Here's why you might want to consider grabbing some AMZN stock (that's their ticker symbol):

1. E-Commerce Dominance: Amazon's e-commerce game is stronger than a double-shot espresso. People shop there for everything from dog food to inflatable unicorn floats. As long as humans crave convenience (and unicorns), Amazon's got a seat at the table.

2. Cloud Magic: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is like the wizard behind the curtain. It powers half the internet, including Netflix, NASA, and your neighbor's cat blog. AWS revenue keeps climbing, like a mountain goat scaling Everest.

3. Prime Addiction: Remember those 180 million Prime members? They're not going anywhere. Prime's sticky like caramel on a hot day. Plus, Amazon keeps adding perks, like free grocery delivery and early access to Black Friday deals.

4. Innovation Galore: Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder, loves crazy ideas. Think drones delivering packages, cashier-less stores, and Alexa reading bedtime stories. If you're into futuristic stuff, Amazon's your playground.

5. Risk Alert: Investing can be risky, and Amazon has competition to keep an eye on (Walmart and Alibaba, anyone?). Plus, things can change fast in the world of business. So, don't expect overnight success – investing is a marathon, not a sprint.

Market NewsTechnology

TSMC Gets a $6.6 Billion Boost to Make Chips in the Desert

Big win for tech! TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) just scored a giant pile of cash (like, $6.6 billion!) from the US government to build chip factories here in the states.

That's right, Arizona is about to become a major chip-making hub, and forget the whole cacti and cowboy boots thing for a sec. This dusty state is about to be on the cutting edge of tech! Imagine it: super-advanced chip production happening under the Arizona sun. Maybe not with tumbleweeds rolling by, but you get the picture.


The Grand Plan

TSMC already has two factories in Arizona, set to fire up their chip-making engines in 2025 and 2028. But wait for it—the $6.6 billion jackpot means they're building a third factory. Yep, you heard me right. Three factories, all humming with the promise of next-gen 2-nanometer chips. That's like having a pocket-sized supercomputer in your smartphone.

The Nitty-Gritty

So, what's the fuss about these 2nm chips? Well, they're the secret sauce behind everything cool: artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, and even the military's top-secret gadgets. Imagine your phone's brainpower on steroids. And guess what? TSMC plans to churn out these tiny marvels right here in the land of burgers and fries.

Gina Raimondo's Victory Lap

Commerce Secretary does a happy dance! Gina Raimondo, the big boss at the Commerce Department, is practically popping champagne corks. Why? Because for the first time ever, the US will be churning out the most advanced chips around, right here at home. And guess what? American workers will be making them!

The Biden Effect

This whole shebang is part of President Joe Biden's grand plan to boost domestic chip production. The Chips and Science Act (sounds like a blockbuster movie title, doesn't it?) set aside a whopping $39 billion in direct grants. Plus, there are loans and guarantees worth $75 billion. It's like Uncle Sam's saying, "Hey, chipmakers, come party in the USA!"

The Ripple Effect

TSMC's stock is doing a little victory dance too. Intel's already in on the action with nearly $20 billion in grants and loans. And rumor has it that Samsung's getting a slice of the pie too—more than $6 billion, to be precise.


Market Summary

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