
The value of Bitcoin recently surpassed $2000.
The most famous cryptocurrency on the planet now has a per coin value of more than $2000. That is what several bitcoin exchanges are reporting, such as Kraken and Coinbase. This valuation indicates that the total bitcoin market cap (i.e. the total value of coins in use) is $32.92 billion.
This year, bitcoin has thrived - as this Coindesk chart reflects.
In 2013, bitcoin initially surpassed the $1000 valuation, however a range of variables - such as the problems experienced by Mount Gox (which was the leading exchange at the time) - meant that the currency dropped in value. Financial organizations tested blockchain and bitcoin based services during this period, and new Chinese regulations increased overall stability. This led to bitcoin returning to the $1000 mark by the end of 2016. Ever since, its' value has constantly grown throughout 2017.
n in value by 1000 percent in less than thirty days. Excluding bitcoin, this now makes it the highest value cryptocurrency in circulation today.
Some commentators think that bitcoin could be worth up to $10000 in the near future.
BOOM! Bitcoin Blasts To New All Time High!