
Motley Fool Subscription Review
The site The Motley Fool is regarded as a legitimate website for financial information and research reports. Their in-depth content will not leave you being defrauded after you purchase a Stock Advisor subscription from them. Some have complained that you are routinely asked to upgrade their current level of subscription, and that can be annoying. But for those that consider their stock and mutual fund portfolios as a second source of income, the better subscriptions are worthwhile.
Stock Advisor Motley Fool
If you are looking for stock and investment advice on new stock purchases their content can be very good. And when a stock that they have recommended in the past drops to a certain level, you can setup to receive alerts. The Stock Advisor forum is really good also if you want to interact with other investors. Their money back guarantee is great if you just want to try out one of their programs for a time. Current prices are $99 a year with a 30 day refund policy. Not too bad. The Stock Advisor programs boast a 346% return since 2002. This is far better than the 87% return of the S&P 500.
You would get two new stock recommendations every month. Ten timey buys. Foundation stock picks to get started. And lots of education materials plus the forum community.
Motley Fools ETF
The advisors with The Motley Fool created two exchange traded funds in 2017 to allow investors to track and invest in their management recommendations. The two funds are the Motley Fool 100 Index ETF (TMFC) and the MFAM Small-Cap Growth ETF (MFMS). As of today, the TMFC has a 19.67% return for the year with a .5% dividend yield. It invests in Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, etc. The MFMS has a year to date return of 25.67& with no dividend.
Motley Fool Review 2019 - Is it worth it? (Here are the facts)