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Market NewsTechnology

Microsoft Unveils New Line of AI-Focused Copilot+ PCs

Buckle up, tech fans! Microsoft just unveiled a brand new kind of Windows PC at their fancy new digs, and it's all about AI. They're calling them Copilot+ PCs, and let me tell you, these machines are seriously brainy.


Here's the lowdown:

Super Speed: Copilot+ PCs blow the doors off other laptops. Ditch the charger anxiety! Copilot+ PCs boast mind-bending speed (over 40 trillion operations per second!), leaving even the latest MacBook Air in the dust. And the best part? You still get all-day battery life.

AI Smarts: These PCs aren't just speedy; they're brainiacs. Imagine a computer that remembers everything you've ever seen on it, helps you find anything instantly, and even creates cool AI images for you. That's the magic of Copilot+. Plus, it translates conversations in real-time, so language barriers become a thing of the past.

Style Meets Smarts: Copilot+ PCs come in a variety of styles, with options from Microsoft's Surface line and leading brands like Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung. Pre-orders are available now with prices starting at $999, and general availability begins June 18th.

Market NewsTechnology

The Top 5 Dow Jones Stocks You Should Invest In


What are the top five Stocks that all investors should own in 2017? If you ask an investor this question, they will likely tell you to choose Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks. The Dow Jones is made up of 30 of the largest companies in America.

These companies have a solid history of strong performances and they tend to pay excellent dividends. This is why anybody should add it to their retirement portfolio.

If you cannot invest in the 30 components of the Dow, there are different ways to approach the situation. You can lean towards a tech, healthcare or financial based portfolio because the companies on the Dow Jones Industrial Average operate in those sectors. ETFs have also become a popular way to invest in the sectors for the Dow.


Microsoft Beats Estimates On New Products


Microsoft reported its 3rd quarter results tonight, beating analyst estimates with stronger sales in cloud services, tablets, and software. Windows sales were soft during the period. Revenue beat estimates at $21.7 million, an improvement of 6% when compared to the same quarter last year. Earnings beat by 10 cents, coming in at 61 cents a share.

Microsoft touted its cloud services as evidence that companies are moving away from server based technologies to its cloud products. Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, also mentioned the upcoming Build developers conference as something we should look forward to, to see more cloud products from the company.

Microsoft Q4 Earnings

The official figures for Microsoft's fourth quarter of 2010 are out which is 16.04 billion US Dollars. With the announcement by Apple last Tuesday, it was expected in several quarters of the country that Apple would over take Microsoft in the net revenue generation and that would be the first time in the recent history. But Microsoft proved most of them wrong. Though Apple had reported 15.7 billion US Dollar last quarter, Microsoft crossed that with ease at 16.04 billion US dollar.


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