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Discount Offer for TradeStation Trading in 2014

Tech hungry investors should take a look at the robust TradeStation platform for their stock brokerage accounts. This trade platform offers 3rd party integration, tools that are very original, advanced monitoring, and great help support. The fees can get a little expense if you do not meet minimums, but overall a great platform/brokerage. At this time you can get 90 days of commission free trading when you sign-up.

The SureTrader Platform Has Become A Competitor

Parkett-Boerse in Ffm

Parkett-Boerse in Ffm (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SureTrader Brokerage Firm Investing Benefits:

The SureTrader brokerage firm is based in the Bahamas. The Securities Commissions of the Bahamas is their regulating body. SureTrader serves an entire international community with very competitive rates. Even if you have a broker already, it never hurts to keep your options open to what works.

SureTrader can offer you several trading platforms to meet with your comfort level and needs. They have a bottom level for trading equities and options that is free, and it is easily accessed from any computer with an Internet capabilities. They also have a very popular mid-level platform that can be accessed for a low monthly fee. Their mid-level platform enables users to access their 'point-and-click' fast trading that helps newbies who lack experience. Their final platform level comes in the form of a mobile app that gives you access to your account 24/7. It can be used to make additional orders or place quotes. Regardless of the option you select, you will have great accessibility and good flexibility for making as much money as you can.

Why New Investors Should Focus On Healthcare And Tech Stocks

For the last 8 years, the rate of unemployment has kept on rising. On the other hand, the growth of industries in technology, energy and healthcare show an upward trend thus energizing the deteriorating economy. Amazingly, some sectors like manufacturing, which were reliable before are now perishing and taking with them whole cities.

During the few final years of Bush Administration and early Obama Administration people who depended on wages as their only source of revenue really suffered. On the other hand, a good portion of Americans who use alternative methods of revenue generation such as investing made more money. In fact, corporate payoffs rose to about 150 per cent as compared to 2007 figures. Many people fear to invest since they think investing requires a complex procedure.

Taking A Look At SureTrader The Best Choice For Penny Stock Short Trading


Sure Trader is a company that is Bahamas-based and that clears through US based clearing firms. Recently, their CEO spoke about many of their appealing qualities on Friday's LiveStock on demand. Let's take a look at some of these great qualities they offer.

SureTrader's clients are not subject and not affected adversely by the Pattern Day Trader Rule. This means basically that their clients are able to trade as much as they want and not be restricted to 3 day trades in a 5-day rolling period.

Sure Trader is a company that is Bahamas-based and that clears through US based clearing firms. Recently, their CEO spoke about many of their appealing qualities on Friday's LiveStock on demand. Let's take a look at some of these great qualities they offer.

SureTrader's clients are not subject and not affected adversely by the Pattern Day Trader Rule. This means basically that their clients are able to trade as much as they want and not be restricted to 3 day trades in a 5-day rolling period.

Another positive is that you can operate your account with less than $25k which is a great advantage to investors.

Another great factor of opening an account with Sure Trader is that they require a minimum of just $2000 to do so. This is far less than what is required by most other companies.

Shorts are not waning at all, on the contrary, brokers are now seeing great demands for them. And the other good news is that CEO Guy Gentile is committed to making certain that Sure Trader becomes and remains the short-sales all-in-one broker.

Another great benefit is that for trades up to 1000 shares, the cost involved is only $4.95 per trade, making them one of the least expensive firms out there.

Another positive is that being an offshore company, they avoid many of the involved and complicated US rules.

Andreeseen's EBay Role Causes Icahn To Lash Out

English: Co-founder of , at the Tech Crunch40 ...

English: Co-founder of , at the Tech Crunch40 conference. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Marc Andreessen, a well-known venture capitalist from Silicon Valley, recently endured attacks from Carl Icahn. Due to a possible conflict of interest, Icahn asked Andreessen to step down from his respected position as one of EBay's board members.

In a strange turn of events, Icahn attempted to gain support for his nominees by encouraging fellow shareholders to take his side . He was concentrating his efforts on governing the corporate structure of EBay. In short, he is trying to convince this auction giant to spin off PayPal, their successful payments business.

Putting A Value On Yahoo!

Deutsch: Logo von Yahoo

Deutsch: Logo von Yahoo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Putting A Value On Yahoo!

The introduction of a new leader, Marissa Mayer, in July 2012 at the helm of Yahoo!, along with the disposal of almost 50 percent of its stake in Alibaba has allowed Yahoo! to re-focus on its main business. In addition, both these moves have contributed to a 30 percent increase in the company's stock price in the two months after the 3rd quarter earnings were released. Many analysts predict that the company's stock price will increase by around 35 percent in the next year, for several reasons:

Qualcomm Shareholders Worry About Apple's Cutting Vendor Orders

qualcomm logo

qualcomm logo (Photo credit: momentimedia)

Qualcomm Shareholders

Qualcomm is in the lead position among Apple's market, but has become misplaced in the trundle of qualms around Apple's alleged ceasing of vendor orders.

Apple gadgets are not the only thing driving Qualcomm's wealth. Certainly the iPhone sales continue to be a key part of Qualcomm's enigma. But even so, Apple still sells iPads and iPhones.

Tax Avoidance By Google Raises Concerns In Europe

Google 貼牌冰箱(Google Refrigerator)

Google 貼牌冰箱(Google Refrigerator) (Photo credit: Aray Chen)

Tax Avoidance By Google

In 2011, Google Inc. avoided some $2 billion of income tax payments by moving its revenues to a shell company in Bermuda. Google actually shifted almost $10 billion in profits from its overseas subsidiaries to Bermuda. Since Bermuda does not have corporate income taxes, Google benefited by cutting its tax rate by half.

However, this tax avoidance has not gone over well with Governments in both the United States and Europe, which are both struggling with huge deficits. Just recently, the governing body of the European Union requested its members to adopt rules for anti-abuse and to list tax havens for blacklisting.

Picture Frames Produce Earnings For Sony

English: Hand-made picture frame

English: Hand-made picture frame (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Picture Frames Produce Earnings For Sony

The digital picture frame has greatly impacted the Sony company earnings in a positive way. These picture frames very been very profitable for this company because they are known to have produced some of the best in the market today. When it comes to things such as color saturation and overall display quality, the digital picture frame produced by Sony has become the gold standard in the market today. In fact, they have sold millions of these picture frames over the last year.

When you consider how popular these items have been over a period of the last five years, it is clear just how much of an impact these frames have had on the company earnings. In fact, there are very few products that have been back to impact a company in such a way.

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