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Venture Capital or Bank Loan: Which to Choose?


Loan (Photo credit: Philip Taylor PT)

There are several categories of loans small business owners can pursue while trying to fund their start-up company. Before choosing which type of loan to capitalize on, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of the two most common categories of business loans.

What Could Mark Zuckerberg Buy if He Sold Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg has had quite a time over the last week, not only has he managed to pull off the largest tech IPO in history, but he also found the time to get married the day after. It's widely known that Zuckerberg is a wealthy individual, but after the recent IPO just how wealthy is he?    Well Mark Zuckerberg is now estimated to be worth around $19bn after he upped his share in the social media giant Facebook to over 30%. So just how wealthy does that leave him? This infographic analyzes just how much money he would have if he sold his share in the company and puts it all into everyday perspective by seeing just what he could buy with his new found billions.    Remember, this is just a little fun and assuming that he would be able to sell his share and avoid all taxes, yet it does demonstrate just how wealthy this 28 year old now is!

The Worlds Richest Hedge Fund Managers Exposed

The amount that leading hedge fund managers make on a yearly basis tends to shock most people considerably. Whilst the incomes of celebrities and public figures tend to be widely published and highly talked about, those of the worlds richest hedge fund managers have tended to go unnoticed. Whether this is down to a secret lifestyle or efforts to conceal their identity is up for debate but now it has been exposed in infographic format for the first time ever.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Financial Investment

The Mutual Fund Store office, 37308 Six Mile R...

The Mutual Fund Store office, 37308 Six Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Investing your money into appropriate investment cycles requires financial sense in order to keep earning steep profits. Before you begin investing your money, there are certain aspects that you must look into. Investment not only requires money, but also wise financial management that can help you earn greater profits.

Many investors have lost all their savings just because they invested impulsively. On the other hand, investors with low finance have been able to make big money just because of their financial prudence. Before you start investing, ask yourself five questions mentioned below:

Building Our Way Out of Recession

Construction Work

Construction Work (Photo credit: gullevek)

The global economy is struggling at the moment, and many countries are either going through, or attempting to come out of, a recession.  The UK economy managed to grow a small amount in the first quarter of this year, narrowly avoiding a double dip recession, but there's still a lot of room for improvement in the economy, and the construction industry could do a lot to benefit the economy.

The American Stocks Fear

Phillippine stock market board

Philippine stock market board (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The American stock market index, as will all such markets around the world, is subject to ups and downs on a daily basis that are caused by numerous factors. For example, who could have predicted the 9/11 terrorists attacks, which had a huge negative impact on world stock markets? When Lehman Brothers, a major American investment bank, collapsed in 2008, the value of all stocks and company shares in the USA fell dramatically. More recently, the Greek debt situation has had an adverse impact not only in Europe but also on the American stock market, as has the political unrest in Syria.

8 Investing Principles Everyone Should Know

The following graph gives an illustration of i...

The following graph gives an illustration of investing a dollar in different asset classes in the market from 1926 to the end of 2007. The returns and dollar value shown represent past performance only and does not guarantee future results. The red arrow at the bottom indicates when 9-11 occurred. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. Understand What Type Of Investor You Are

A key principle is to understand what type of investor you are. There are either active or passive investors. To be an active investor one must be committed to doing the necessary research in order to generate a good return. They also must learn to manage risk wisely. A passive investor does not have the amount of time it takes to properly research and diversify investments. This type of investor is better off investing in a whole index fund where they can achieve diversity and get the return of the whole index. Another option is to let a professional handle his investments if they do to have the time to devote to it.

5 Crucial Investment Considerations

Investment Frontiers Symposia

Investment Frontiers Symposia (Photo credit: apec2011ceosummit)

If you have already paid off all of your debt in credit cards and have in mind financial goals like buying a home, paying college tuition, or retirement savings, then you should do your homework prior to making any investment decisions.  You should have the answers to the following questions:

  • How much risk for tolerance do you have?
  • What kinds of investments are you looking at: mutual funds, bonds, stocks?
  • Are you interested in purchasing an annuity or an IRA?
  • Do they offer a 401K plan at your job?

Office Appliances Accounts for the Majority of Business Electric Costs

Wind turbines (Vendsyssel, Denmark, 2004)

Wind turbines (Vendsyssel, Denmark, 2004) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The price of operating a business has skyrocketed over the last two decades, but it is possible to cut costs when it comes to electricity. Office appliances now account for the majority of electric costs. When you choose the right office appliances, operate office appliances correctly and compare business electricity prices you can save your business thousands of pounds each year.

Office Appliances Eats Profit

Office appliances are the largest electrical expense of your business. The more equipment you use and the longer it stays powered on, the more profit it continues to eat. However, if you understand exactly which pieces of office appliances consume the most electricity and what you can do to prevent waste, then you will begin to see the savings directly on your bottom line.

Top 7 Worst Venture Capital Investments


Webvan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A few things were never intended to be, yet that does not imply that buyers won't stack millions of pounds on a bad idea - or perhaps a great idea that went bad. Whether or not they slumped and ripped or pulled investors dry, these investment strategies simply failed to work.

Amp'd Mobile: Amp'd Cell stands top for cash burning, with $360 million being ended up in bankruptcy. Their main concern was its clients' capability to invest.  Whilst various other cellular companies verify for a capability to pay expenses in a month time, the company allow it until 3 months and promoted to those risky clients. It has been noted that 80,000 of its 175,000 clients were not able to pay their expenses.

Procket: This was one of the highly valued telecom companies in the U.S. The company had $272 million in capital along with a worth of $1.55 billion however was eventually bought by behemoth Cisco Systems Inc. for a deflating $89 million.

Webvan: Webvan had been a grocery delivery company which served 9 metro cities. However, in 2001, the business went bankrupt once it made plans to expand to 26 more cities with $1.2 billion budget. Regardless of millions in product sales, their collapse was due to a money-burn which surpassed product sales development.  Significant buys included $1 billion for manufacturing facilities, business servers and much more than one hundred Aeron chairs.

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